Children to children:
2000 children from the school that the selected six children go to are exposed to and get an opportunity to learn about regions from where the six children come. (e.g. the Kashmiri children cooked their local cuisine to introduce the other children to the Kashmiri culture.)

Children to parent:
4000 parents that visit the school regularly are connected to these regions through our children. (e.g. Manipuri children performed and explained the origins of a local folk dance during the annual day in the presence of all the parents introducing them to an important part of the Manipuri culture.)

Family to family:
Parents and children are exposed to the culture and history through visits to these regions while being hosted by our children and their families. (e.g. Kashmiri parents have hosted many families of other students and teachers from Sahyadri school living across the country resulting in friendship and visits to each others' homelands and homes.)

Parent to parent:
Through periodic interactions at school or otherwise, parents of both groups realize that the concerns of parents across the country irrespective of where they come from are universal. (e.g. adolescent issues, nutrition and eating habits, academic concerns.)

Region to region:
Schools send out school trips to these regions to keep the connection even after our children pass out from the school and our children and their families continue to host them as and when required. (e.g. students from Rishi Valley school continue to visit Andaman Islands in different batches over the years.)

Parents to community:
Our children's parents become sane voices of secularism, unity, equality in their communities. (e.g. neighbours and friends of our children's parents have taken inspiration and sent their children to study in different parts of India resulting in a ripple effect of our vision.)


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